The VR Realm Reviews ‘Until You Fall’

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Game news platform The VR Realm tried out Until You Fall and released their review of the game. Author Paul Manton states:

“One of the game's stand out parts for me was the use of the sound. Everything in the combat from your swings, the contact and the blocking all suit the visceral swordplay. This is then backed up by a solid techno/synth-wave soundtrack that really gets your adrenaline pumping and suits the bright design on the world. You will soon be working up a sweat as the music takes hold and you take your role in the combat.”

The article walks through different aspects of the gameplay, concluding that Until You Fall could be the VR title for players who like difficult games that give you the feeling of achievement and progression despite inevitable death.

Manton later released a video review with gameplay footage, shown below.