Rokar needs you, Champion. Summon your blades and join the fray.
BuyFight, gather Aether, forge new weapons, and grow stronger.
Rokari weapons are more than they appear. Fight on and as you grow stronger, your Runesmith will provide you with weapons befitting a warrior.
A standard weapon for the Rokari army. Now, quite rare.
The Unraveled, born of the Calamity, are powerful, twisted creatures. Many of these are former Rokari warriors...but they aren’t the only things that roam the ruins of Rokar.
The most damaged Rokari souls from the Calamity. Deteriorating and nearly feral, these Unraveled wander the forest aimlessly, looking for any source of Aether.
Each weapon of Rokar is infused with a powerful ability called a Super. Through combat, these abilities charge up and become active. With two Weapons, you can select the two Supers that best enhance your style of combat.
Gain temporary armor and a reduced effect of being knocked around.
At the end of each combat encounter, you will be presented with a variety of Augments to enhance your abilities. Gain health, deal more damage, upgrade your Super, or apply unique and interesting Traits to either Weapon. Mix and match these Augments to find powerful combinations and lay waste to the Unraveled.