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Happy Aetherversary | Celebrating 4 Years of Until You Fall →Yeah, you read that right. The 12 Knights of Combat challenge is BACK in 2024!
If this is your first time participating or you are just picking up Until You Fall for the first time, the 12 Knights of Combat is a series of one dozen challenges that will test your skills with a variety of weapon combinations and difficulty levels to shape you into the ultimate Rune Knight.
For our returning Knights, this year's challenge features five all-new Knights along with a returning collection of favorites that adds new lore to the world of Rokar and freshens up the challenge.

How To Participate
This month's challenge will pay tribute to those who have helped shape Rokar into our wonderful and prosperous home. Each Knight of Combat presents a new Challenge for you to complete.
Using each weapon combination below, simply share a screenshot or video of your weapon inspection in the final boss room under the Until You Fall channel uyf-fan-creations of the Schell Games Discord. We recommend challenging yourself to complete one Knight per day, but this challenge will remain up throughout the holiday season and beyond as we welcome new Rune Knights into Rokar.
However, do pay attention. Some Knights will require a victory! Challenges can be completed on any difficulty, unless otherwise specified. This contest is just for glory, Rune Knights, so get out there and see if you can complete all 12 challenges by Dec. 25 (or whenever you pick up and are ready to tackle these!)
Knight One - Rokari Soldier
Weapon Combo: Engraved Arming Sword + Rokari Keenblade
Difficulty: Any
Tale: The first Knight of Combat honored during these twelve nights is the unnamed Rokari Soldier. Equipped with standard Rune Knight weaponry, the Soldier represents both the past and the future of Champions -- those who have been lost but not forgotten and those that will rise again against the odds.

Knight Two - Monk of Rokar
Weapon Combo: Unarmed (Knight-Blooded Crest) + Spellsword's Charm
Difficulty: Any
Tale: Only the most elite of Champions have earned the title of Monk of Rokar. Eschewing traditional weaponry, these dedicated, nimble, and brave warriors persevere in the face of adversity and are a true example of combat mastery. Alongside the Rokari Soldier, the Monks of Rokar are included in the Knights of Combat celebration to pay tribute to these accomplished warriors and challenges those who believe themselves worthy of the rank.

Knight Three - Leonara, Unbroken Captain
Weapon Combo: Mistcutter + Cold Iron Greataxe, Heartsplitter (ALT)
Difficulty: Victory, Any
Tale: Just before the Calamity, Rokar revered Leonora Thorkell as a paragon of duty for her city. With her trusty axe at the ready, she led the brave units of the Unbroken Faction as their First Watch Captain. She is credited for recognizing the corruption of natural Aether Blooms deep within the Forests of Rokar and sparking their investigation.
She symbolizes the idea of strong leadership and devotion to one's home, as well as the idea of speaking one's truth despite the uncertainies that may present.

Knight Four - Magiliese, Beauty of the Battlefield
Weapon Combo: High Arcanist's Blade + Gemini Esper
Difficulty: Challenging+
Tale: It was long believed her beauty alone unlocked Magilese’s ability to summon crystalized Aether around herself. Her talent for creating these storms earned her the title of ‘The Beauty of the Battlefield.’ Her signature ability, Shardstorm, has since been passed down and contained into Runes. This Knight celebrates everyone’s unique inner and outer beauty as an individual.

Knight Five - Lord Vestal
Weapon Combo: Engraved Arming Sword + Vestal's Wrath
Difficulty: Victory, Nightmare
Tale: Every Rokari knows the name Lord Vestal. Renowned for their unusual combat tactics and unwieldly mace, legends say Vestal could rain hell both figuratively and literally on an unsuspecting opponent. Large in both stature and demeanor, Vestal's presence both on and off the battlefield commanded attention and often intimidated those less powerful - which proved to be nearly everyone.
We celebrate this knight to symbolize the immense power of being a Rune Knight and the self-control to wield it responsibly.

Knight Six - Pointy
Weapon Combo: Duelist's Edge + Rokari Keenblade
Difficulty: Any
Tale: Pointy likes sticks. Pointy likes games. Pointy likes games with sticks. Sticks are pointy. Pointy likes pointy.
The sixth Knight of Combat celebrates those who may think or process the world differently.

Knight Seven - Jade Amaya, The Playful
Weapon Combo: Fate's End + Ritual Dagger, Mistcutter (ALT)
Difficulty: Victory, Nightmare
Tale: Tales of Jade Amaya have long been favorites for children of Rokar. While some claim her bark was worse than her bite, she undoubtedly unleashed fanged fury against her foes and walked all over her opposition. Even the mightiest of Champions would beg to learn the secrets of her powerful dash, hound her about her playful nature outside of combat, and sit and stay with her in hopes of fetching a small lick of her wisdom.
We celebrate this Knight to remember that even rough challenges and responsibilities are best handled with a smile and a pawsitive attitude.

Knight Eight - Roth Fairchance, Master-at-Arms
Weapon Combo: Engraved Arming Sword + Heartsplitter, Player's Choice (ALT, they are an expert at all weapons, after all)
Difficulty: Any
Tale: The 12 Knights of Combat celebrates esteemed warriors throughout Rokar's history, but none of them might have elevated themselves if not for the work of Roth Fairchance, Rokar's first Master-at-Arms. As wars were won and lost with simple blades or hammers, they first recognized the power of combining weapons to increase fighting power and popularized the two-weapon fighting style taught since taught to all Rokari. While they excelled in any combination of weapons available, we celebrate Roth with the simple combination of the axe and blade and honor their innovations to the glorious art of combat. Origin of the saying "Rokari rise. Rokari fall. But Fairchance had to train them all."

Knight Nine - Owain, The Illustrious
Weapon Combo: Ritual Dagger + Gemini Stranded
Difficulty: Victory, Nightmare
Tale: Before the Calamity, Owain was renowned as one of the best storytellers in all of Rokar. He was often in the middle of bidding wars between the upper echelons of the Rokari to grace their tables and share his talents of dance and song. But this bard was not content on wine and feasts, and always had his dagger close at hand should a brawl break out. His ability to weave in and out of combat untouched while defeating foes with a blinding flurry of cuts earned him as much respect as his honeyed voice.
We celebrate Owain to represent all of the knowledge his tales of Champions past have kept alive, and the Until You Fall community which continues to develop more lore in the land of Rokar.

Knight Ten - Viridia, the Valiant Voyager
Weapon Combo: Vestal's Wrath + Rokari Keenblade
Difficulty: Any
Tale: Viridia Moor was born to an impoverished family in a small seaside town in Rokar, and first distinguished herself as she took up her signature mace and blade to defend her homestead at only 12 years old, helping the ragtag militia repel the invading force. Unwilling to navigate the politics of the four factions, she was welcomed and trained by The Unbroken, winning scores of victories across the land. Viridia's legacy is among her group of elite warriors, nicknamed The Unenders, who won acclaim for exploring the most dangerous, untamed parts of Rokar.
We recognize Viridia for her ability to push beyond her station both in her upbringing in what was possible for Rokar to become.

Knight Eleven - Marcellinus, Slayer of the Void
Weapon Combo: High Arcanist's Blade + Spellsword's Charm
Difficulty: Victory, Any
Tale: Feared for his ability with a simple High Arcanist's Blade, Marcellinus was a terror on the battlefield. Not sated with bloodshed alone, he sought the power of the four factions and attempted a coup armed with only his ambition and blade. Closer to victory than anyone would have liked, he was cast into the void by the leaders of all four factions.
But this didn't end Marcellinus' tale. In the void, he used his Soul Tender abilities to embrace the Aether, merging it with his own soul, and becoming the monster he is today.

Knight Twelve - Lady Cygnus

Weapon Combo: Knight-Blooded Crest + Captain's Warhammer, Duelist's Edge (ALT)
Difficulty: Challenging+
Tale: While Lord Vestal gets all of the songs sung, their partner was no shrinking violet in the art of war. The Lady Cygnus played her part in the courts of Rokar and donned her fine gowns and jewelry, but when that was complete, she changed into her tunic and trained with her warhammer until dawn.
Scholars are quick to point out that the only tournament loss ever ascribed to Lord Vestal was against a "...knight of small stature whose hammer'd blows fell upon them like a thunderclap," a knight who famously refused to unmask nor ever be named. The only relic this knight ever existed was from a Duelist's Edge dropped on the battleground during this famed fight, engraved simply with a stylized letter C.